The Last Planner System & Takt in Design and Construction at the 3rd Annual LCB LPS Conference

I'm speaking at the Lean Construction Blog's Last Planner System (LPS) virtual conference on March 22-23, 2023. This is a Lean practitioner-led event and will showcase some of the best practices of applying the Last Planner System.

About The Conference:
The Last Planner System (LPS) is a production planning system designed to improve predictability while maximizing efficiency and safety. The system was developed by Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell and has grown to become one of the cornerstones of Lean Construction. The Last Planner System Conference will help you gain an in-depth insight into the practical application of the Last Planner System. You will learn about the different elements related to LPS and how they can improve communication, trust, transparency and reliability. You will also learn how LPS can help you meet project deadlines and cost targets with real-life examples and hands-on tips that you can start applying the next day.

The conference includes over 30 industry experts and 18 sessions.
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